Plan A Visit

Service Times

8341 Kenwood Rd, Cincinnati, OH

Kenwood is a multi-generational and multi-ethnic church where that hope is lived out.

Sunday Morning


9:15 AM (We offer an on-site streaming room for those who prefer to wear masks.)

Sunday Worship


11:00 AM (We offer an on-site streaming room for those who prefer to wear masks.)


Where should I park?

We have plenty of parking! For your first visit, you will find the lot on the south side of the building is the most convenient.

What should I wear?

You’ll notice a wide variety of dress on Sundays. Some people will be dressy but most will be very casual. You may even see some of our international members dressed in their native attire. We want you to be comfortable –dress however you would like.

Which service should I attend?

Both our 9:15 and 11:00 am Sunday services are the same. Choose a service time based on your schedule.

Please join us online as well! We are on YouTube or click on the live-stream link on the Welcome page.

What do you offer for children?

Please plan to arrive fifteen minutes before service times if you are new to Kenwood so that we can help you check your children in to our system. You will then walk your children to their classrooms.

9:15 Classes for birth through 1st grade. Older children are invited to attend service with their families.
11:00 Classes for birth through 6th grade

What kind of teaching will I hear?

We believe the Bible is the Word of God and we long to hear from God through the pages of Scripture. We have a rhythm of study that includes both the Old and New Testament. We usually work through books of the Bible, but we do incorporate some “topical” studies in January and during the summer.

What Is your worship style?

At Kenwood we worship and sing songs that celebrate GOD for who He is and what He has done. Our songs are in different styles but all are true to the teachings we find in the Bible. Because we have many ethnic groups in our church, we sometimes include songs from these groups as a way for us to connect to GOD together and connect to each other through our diversity.

What if I cannot attend in person?

Here at Kenwood, our vision is to go forward unto all the nations preaching the gospel. If you cannot be with us in person, you can watch our services live online at 9:15 am or during the week on our website or YouTube channel.

Are there Sunday morning classes and groups?

Yes! All Sunday groups love to have visitors! You will be warmly welcomed to any group. Just show up in the room! Click here to see the times and rooms.

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